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SAA Administration Operating at 1/3 Capacity?

---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Ellenor Paul-O'neil <> Date: Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 3:59 PM Subject: Automatic reply: Final Update to Judie Rosa Petition To: Lillian Hepburn-Richmond <> I am currently out of office on FMLA. If you have questions or concerns about our high school program or concerns in general, please contact Mrs. Tissiana Bowerman - Head of School at (301) 421-9101.


Recent emails to High School Principal Mrs. Ellenor Paul-O'Neil have bounced back to senders indicating that she is out of the office on Family Medical Leave. When did this begin? It seems that you would only know this if you had sent Mrs. Paul-O'Neil an email lately, or maybe called the office and asked for her? To our knowledge, this was not announced by SAA's Administration or Board. Were parents or students officially informed?

And we can understand why: it's not a good look for there to be only 1 administrator where just a couple months ago there were 3. Once again, these are not good optics for SAA, let alone are we receiving the value that our tuition dollars are paying for. Imagine a service-based business such as Costco running on 1/3 management personnel, a military field operation with 2/3 of the generals missing, or a factory assembly line with 2/3 of the supervisors missing. Now let's stop imagining and face the reality that there must be an untold number of balls being dropped day in and day out all around SAA in both the lower and upper schools; the problem is that those balls represent the particular issues and concerns of your children, their teachers, and their curricular programming.

How unfair this is to the only remaining administrator on campus, Head Principal Bowerman. Then again, we have concluded that Mrs. Bowerman colluded with CC Superintendent Walker to have her own Elementary Principal fired at the start of the 4th quarter of the school year. Not very well timed we would say. (For more details, see our previous post "Report on the Termination of Mrs. Judie Rosa, Former Elementary Principal at SAA") So Mrs. Bowerman must now figuratively sleep in the very lumpy and uncomfortable bed she has made for herself.

Despite the "karma", who are the biggest losers? Our children. Who brought this situation to you? We say Superintendent Walker and Principal Bowerman, with the nod of the School Board Chairperson, his secret Executive Committee, and we guess the rest of the secret school board. If we are wrong, then let them tell us and show us plainly.

In any case, we can all pray for the Lord to guide and deliver Mrs. Paul-O'Neil from her family medical issues and hope that they will turn out well so she can be back on the job as soon as possible. Yet with the school year ending 1 week, that seems unlikely. At least she wasn't mysteriously disappeared, put on administrative leave, and ultimately terminated for just writing a message (an email auto-response) to the SAA community.

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- Lillian Hepburn-Richmond (a cohort of concerned parents)

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